Farah Ganjei Gron, CCH, RSHom (NA)
Certified Classical Homeopath
New Life Homeopathy

Companies for ordering homeopathic remedies and other supplies:

  1. Acton Pharmacy located in Acton, Massachusetts, 1-800-551-3611.
  2. Hahnemann Labs

Homeopathy Research

Homeopathy Courses

  • This is a three module self-paced online homeopathy class offered by my homeopathy colleague, Mary Terhune, R.N.
    When you enroll you will have access to Mary's Private Facebook Page: "Healing Through Homeopathy" where she will answer your questions on the subject matter.

    As always please consult a licensed physician for any medical condition. Farah Ganjei Gron and New Life Homeopathy are not responsible for any issues arising from the material covered by this course.

Homeopathy Books

Guided Meditations

Tai Chi

General Books

TED Talks

Other Modalities

Please do your own research and due diligence for the following modalities and the service providers before starting your work with them.

  • Nutritional Consultant:  Andi Stowe  Nourished Blessings
  • Acupuncture: John Choi, Lic. Ac., Cambridge, MA, 617-953-4988
  • Reiki: Jordan Bain, Brookline, MA, 617-694-0994