Farah Ganjei Gron, CCH, RSHom (NA)
Certified Classical Homeopath
New Life Homeopathy

Instructions for downloading blank forms and emailing completed forms

How to download forms:
  • If you have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, you can click on the blue "W" icon next to the form you want to download.
    1. Your browser will ask if you want to Open or Save this document. Click on Save.
    2. Choose a directory to save the blank form and remember where you are saving the file.
    3. Open Microsoft Word and select the file from the folder you just selected to save the file. Click Open.
    4. Fill out the form with your answers and do File-Save.
    5. Follow the instructions on the New Clients page to securely upload your completed files
  • If you don't have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, click on the the red Adobe Acrobat icon next to the form you want to download.
    1. Your browser will ask if you want to Open or Save this document. Click on Open.
    2. Click anywhere in the file and choose Edit-Select All
    3. Choose Edit-Copy
    4. Open the text editor on your computer and paste the contents of each form in there and save each file separately.
    5. Follow the instructions on the New Clients page to securely upload your completed files.